40 years of Pain, Gone
40 years ago I was involved in an accident in which I was thrown into the air and landed on a wet rice field some 40 feet away. I...
40 years of Pain, crippled, all gone
40 years ago I was involved in an accident in which I was thrown into the air and landed on the wet rice field, 40 feet away, I was so...

Manage Holiday Season Stress with Acupuncture
The holidays are finally here, and that means spending time with your loved ones and celebrating the joys of life!
But as magical as the ho
Wow! Acupuncture beats expensive pain blocker in pain control
In our 38 years of practicing acupuncture, we have never encountered a pain problem case as severe and as difficult to combat as this...
Acupuncture Eliminates Pain Quick
In 2016 when I was trying to fix an electrical fixture on the ceiling, a sudden fall landed on the left side of my body on the hard...
Acupuncture Elimiates Pain Quick
The traditional Chinese acupuncture is inserting very fine needles on specific "acupoints" on the body to release endorphins, the natural...

Houston Peking Acupuncture Clinic Follows The idea of Dr. Dong Feng
WE ADORE DONG FENG AND TRY TO ADOPT HIS IDEA IN OUR PRACTICE. 杏林春滿 The Chinese calligraphy hanging in our clinic is a piece of artwork...