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Acupuncture Services: Quit Smoking weight Control, quit drinking, pain problems, stress, anxiety, allergy/Sinus, acid reflux, infertility,

impotence, cosmatic, face lift and more ....

Quit Smoking: 

This treatment is our  expertise.  Not only do we have high success rate, those who quit through us, quit forever. Treatment for smoking cessation also includes  weight gain and withdraw prevention, and detox. All  follow up  treatments  will be free for 30 days from initial date of treatment.  For more information go to 


Weight Control: 


Acupuncture treatment is fairly good method for weight control, and it has to be controlled from two fronts. (a) consuming good healthy food and (b) Eating less which acupuncture can do an wonderful job to help.    Person being treated will experience the following:  (1)  The reduction of appetite, making it easier to control what and how much to ear rather than being controlled by the appetite, that is wanting to eat most of the time.  (2)  The capacity of the stomach to hold food will be reduced, and the person will feel full much sooner.  Over eating will inevitably lead to stomach discomfort.  (3)  Many will experience diminished craving for sweet stuff and junk food.   Once a week treatment is need during the first stage after which some may not need any more treatment while other may need occasional treatments. 

We also render treatment for those who become over weight not due to over eating.  

 For more information about weight control please 

Click here
Treating Pain Problems:


Acupuncture treatment is among the best for controlling pain problem as it can not only control  pain quickly and with no side effects but also with long lasting results. And on top of all the just mentioned, it is inexpensive.   Pain problems that can be treated by acupuncture are just too many and just to mention a few as follow:  Headache, neck, should . lower back, sciatica,  elbow knee , leg and many kinds of joint and arthritis pain.  In fact. there are very few kinds of pain that acupuncture is incapable of rendering help.    For more 

Quit Drinking: 
 Quit drinking  liquor  is not only one of the most difficult addiction to conquer but also by  far the most expensive to undertake.  It is a habitual problem so many find it hard to make decision to quit and when they do, hardship will follow in addition to creating problem after problem in family and at work as well. For those who can  finally make up decision to quit, finding an simple and time saving method to quit is rarely available.   For those who have gone through months and years to quit to no avail, acupuncture may be the only inexpensive and simple way out.  

Other Ailments which We Treat In Our Clinic


Digestive Problems

Acid Reflux


Nerve related Problems


Female/Male Problems




Chronic Diarrhea






Cosmetic Acupuncture


Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, it improves your health and energy as it helps "turn back the clock."  Cosmetic Acupuncture is an exciting alternative to plastic surgery and potentially healthy "non-invasive" techniques

Reducing wrinkling, Preventing sagging, firming your skin, Minimizing crows feet, Improving skin tone, Receiving a natural cosmetic procedure.




While Acupuncture is Meridian-based treatment, it is just as effective without needles for many ailments.
In our clinic we use fewer needles to render the treatment

In our clinic we also do moxibution, cupping , kua sha, acupressure, EFT, cold laser.

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